General Trading terms and conditions


Article I: General provisions and definitions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) regulate the rights and obligations of Goya Vitality, s. r. o., with registered office at Levočská 1/2101, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, ID No.: 56 010 702, VAT ID No.: SK2122156916, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 175391/B, Operation: Voderady Manor, Zichyho námestie 250/2, 919 42 Voderady (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) and the client (service orderer) (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) for services provided by the Operator on the basis of a contract concluded remotely by means of remote communication, namely through electronic commerce on the Operator’s website www. (hereinafter referred to as “”) or in person at the Operator’s premises and are an integral part of the contract concluded between the Client and the Operator remotely via electronic commerce on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”). (The Operator and the Client together hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”).

Telephone contact: +421 33 281 35 55

The GTC apply to all services provided, including accommodation, and include booking, payment and cancellation terms.

  • The contracting parties are the Operator of Goya Vitality, s. r. o. and the Client.
    If the Client:
    is a consumer within the meaning of Section 52(4) of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, i.e. if it is a Client who does not act within the scope of its trade or other business activity when concluding and performing the contract, the relations not governed by these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, as well as by the related legislation.
    is not a consumer within the meaning of Section 52(4) of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, the relations between the Client and the Provider that are not regulated by these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended. Such person shall not be entitled to the rights of a consumer under applicable law
    Before making a reservation, the Client is advised to familiarize himself with these GTC, which, upon confirmation of the reservation by the Operator (by ordering the services according to point 2.2 of the GTC), also become binding for both parties.
    These GTC form an integral part of every Contract and Order, the subject of which is the obligation of GOYA Vitality to provide certain services to the Client and the obligation of the Client to pay the agreed price for the services provided.
  1. Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection Authority (STI), STI Inspectorate for the Bratislava Region, Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27.
    The GTC enter into force on the date of their publication on and are available both on the website and at the Provider’s registered office.
    For the purposes of these GTC, the Services shall be understood as all services provided by the Provider, which are listed in the valid price list of the Provider on the website

Reservations and conclusion of the contractual relationship

2.1 When booking a service through the website, the Client shall search for the service he/she is interested in and fill in all the necessary data in the booking form. When booking by telephone, e-mail and in person, the responsible employee of the Service will offer the Client the available dates for the selected service. Reservation of the service can be made no later than 2 hours before the actual date of the service in question as long as there are available dates.

2.2 The validity of an order is subject to the truthful and complete completion of all registration or order forms or the provision of all truthful information when making a reservation by telephone, e-mail or in person.

2.3 The following shall be deemed to be essential elements of an electronic order:

2.3.1. identification of the Client, i.e. business name or first and last name, registered office/residence, VAT number, tax identification number, contact (telephone number and e-mail address);

2.3.2. the code or name of the ordered service according to the currently valid offer of services, or a description of these services as they are specified in the valid offer;

2.3.3. the quantity of services ordered, or the number of days during which the Client wishes to order the services, the number of persons;

2.3.4. the requested date of use of the service in question is chosen directly by the Client. This date can only be selected from the dates freely available, which are listed on the Operator’s website, or which are communicated to the Client in another appropriate way (by phone, e-mail, in person);

2.4 The Client’s order shall be considered a draft Contract and shall be binding on the Client.

2.5 The Operator shall confirm the created reservation within 48 hours of its creation, in exceptional cases within 5 days at the latest.

2.6 Following the binding confirmation of the reservation by the Operator, a contractual relationship is concluded, whereby the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility undertakes to provide the Client with services in the agreed scope and quality and the Client undertakes to pay the Operator the agreed price according to the currently valid price list published on the website and in the premises of the facility. The contractual relationship is concluded at the moment of confirmation of the Client’s order by the Operator GOYA Vitality s. r. o. – GOYA Vitality s. r. o. When booking the service for a larger number of persons, the intermediary assumes the contractual obligation for all persons.

2.7 The Client, who is an entrepreneur, is obliged to check whether the order confirmation has been received within the specified period, including in other folders of the e-mail account, such as spam, as well as the content of the electronic order specified in the e-mail message by the Operator. In the event of detection of discrepancies regarding the content of the electronic order confirmed by the Operator, the Client is obliged to notify the Operator by means of an e-mail message sent to the e-mail address The Client, who is a consumer, is also advised to follow this point of the GTC, i.e. the Client is advised to check the delivery of the order confirmation in all folders of the e-mail account and in case of detection of discrepancies regarding the content of the electronic order confirmed by the Operator, the Client is advised to notify the Operator of this discrepancy.

2.8 Any change to the order after the conclusion of the Contract is possible only by mutual agreement between the Client and the Operator.

2.9 By using the online booking system, the Client declares that he/she is at least 18 years of age and is capable of acquiring rights and assuming obligations on his/her own behalf.

2.10 The Operator shall not be liable for any delay in the delivery of the service and for any damage caused by the delay due to the Client’s failure to enter all the required data and/or to fill in the registration form incorrectly during the registration process. The Operator shall also not be liable for any damage caused to the Client as a result of the Client forgetting his/her access password and/or the Client’s access password falling into the hands of unauthorised persons without the Operator’s fault.

Prices and payment terms

3.1 All payments shall be made in Euro (EUR) and shall be final.

3.2 The Client acknowledges that he/she is obliged to pay the agreed price for the services booked/provided. The agreed price is the price that is stated in the booking confirmation. If the price has not been so agreed, the published list prices shall apply. The prices stated in the price list are final and include value added tax at the rate applicable at the time of the provision of the services.

3.3 If the time between the conclusion of the contract and the provision of the ordered services exceeds
6 months, during which time prices increase, GOYA Vitality s.r.o. may increase the agreed price proportionately, up to a maximum of 10% of the agreed price, of which the Client must be informed immediately.

3.4 GOYA Vitality s.r.o. may also change the price if the Client subsequently changes the number of rooms booked, the range of services, the length of stay, etc. with the consent of the facility. In this case, the price is changed on the basis of an agreement between the Client and the Provider.

3.5 Payment for the booked service in full shall be made by the Client via the electronic payment gateway, to which he/she will be redirected immediately after the booking is made, or via internet banking to the bank account of the GOYA Vitality s. r. o. facility Operator.

3.6 In the case of bookings arising on the premises of the Facility (main reception of the Operator’s premises), the Client shall make payment in cash or non-cash by debit or credit card with the issuance of a receipt from the fiscal cash register and the payment terminal. Each reservation becomes valid only when the payment is credited to the Operator’s bank account.

3.7 Unless otherwise agreed in the individual contract, the settlement of the ordered and used services shall be made by a tax document – invoice at the earliest on the date of the taxable performance. This day is considered to be the day on which the Client leaves the premises of the facility or the day on which the services were provided to the Client. The invoice shall be due on the day of the taxable supply. The obligation to pay the agreed price is fulfilled by crediting the relevant amount to the account of the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility – GOYA Vitality s.r.o.

3.8 The operator of GOYA Vitality s.r.o. reserves the right to make changes to the published price list of all services, including accommodation, as well as the amount of discounts or special prices, which become effective on the date of publication on the website and in the premises of the facility. For the Client, the price of the service indicated for the specific service at the time of sending the order to the Operator is always decisive. Any increase or decrease in the price of services by the Operator between the time of sending the order by the Client and the provision of the service, or in the course of a complaint or other procedure in connection with a claim for services or withdrawal from the contract, shall not affect the price of the service already ordered.

Accommodation services

4.1 The stay of a guest in the Hotel of GOYA Vitality s.r.o. is governed by the “Accommodation Regulations – GOYA Vitality s.r.o. Hotel”, which are binding for the Clients of GOYA Vitality s.r.o., the guests and the accommodated persons. A guest is understood to be a natural person using the accommodation services provided by GOYA Vitality s.r.o. as part of the services.

4.2 At the end of the stay, the Guest/Client will be issued an invoice based on the data provided at registration, which will account for all additional services and meals used in the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility, unless otherwise agreed between the Operator and the Client. The invoice must contain all the elements stipulated by Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on value added tax, as amended, and shall be payable immediately upon its presentation to the Client, unless otherwise agreed between the Client and the Operator. Payment may be made in cash or non-cash by debit or credit card.

4.3 If certain discrepancies are discovered after the departure of the Guest, including any damage proven to have been caused by the Client, the Operator shall have the right against the Client to claim compensation for any damages incurred by the Client’s action (or inaction) against the Operator, also by way of an additional invoice. The Operator is entitled to make the additional billing after prior notification to the Client and mutual agreement between the Operator and the Client.

4.4 If the Client shortens the agreed stay in the hotel, the Operator has the right to charge the Client the full amount of the agreed price for the entire length of the booked stay.

Change or cancellation of the reservation (cancellation conditions), withdrawal from the contract

5.1 Any changes to the confirmed reservation can be made by the Client by sending an e-mail to the Operator’s address, by phone at +421 33 281 35 55 or in person with all the necessary information about the reservation. In the event that the requested change cannot be accommodated due to capacity or other operational reasons, the Client is not entitled to compensation or any other compensation from the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s. r. o. facility.

5.2 The Operator reserves the right not to accept (cancel) an order or part thereof, of which the Operator shall notify the Client, in the following cases:

5.2.1. In the event that the order has not been paid for through the agreed payment terms in accordance with the payment provisions of these GTC.

5.2.2. In the event that the order could not be confirmed bindingly, in particular due to an incorrect phone number, unavailability, the Client does not respond to e-mails, etc.

5.2.3 The ordered services are no longer available. In the event that this situation arises, the Operator shall contact the Client without undue delay in order to agree on the next course of action. In the event that the Client does not accept the proposed agreement by the Operator and has already paid part or all of the price for the services, this amount will be transferred back to the Client’s account immediately, but no later than 14 days from the date of cancellation of the order by the Operator, unless otherwise agreed between the Operator and the Client.

5.3.Pursuant to § 7 of Act No. 102/2014 on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services under a Distance Contract or a Contract Concluded Outside the Seller’s Premises and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, and the Contract has been concluded using means of distance communication, the Client, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the order of services, except for accommodation services, within 14 days from the date of confirmation of the reservation of the requested service. In the event of withdrawal from the Contract before the Operator confirms the reservation, the Client’s right of withdrawal shall remain unchanged. Withdrawal from the Contract in that case is free of charge and the reservation is cancelled. In the event of cancellation of the Contract after the expiry of this 14 day period, the Operator shall be entitled to charge cancellation fees in accordance with the cancellation terms below.

5.4 Notification by the Client, who is a consumer, of the cancellation of the Contract must be sent to the Operator before the end of the cancellation period. The withdrawal period shall be deemed to have been observed if the withdrawal is sent to the Operator no later than on the last day of the period. The Client may withdraw from the Contract in person at the Operator’s premises within the aforementioned period.

5.5 With the Client’s withdrawal from the Contract in accordance with this clause of the GTC, the Contract shall be cancelled from the beginning. The Operator shall reimburse the Client no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the Contract the price paid for the Services and the costs of any other costs relating to the Service, in the same manner as applied by the Client in its payment, including the costs incurred by the Client in connection with the ordering of the Service, unless otherwise agreed between the Operator and the Client. In the event of cancellation of the Contract pursuant to this Article of the GTC, the Client shall only bear the costs of returning the Service (if any). In the event that the Client withdraws from the Contract, the Client shall not be entitled to a refund of the price for the additional service in accordance with the provisions of Section 8(5) of the Act on Consumer Protection in Distance Selling of Goods, if the subject of the additional contract is the provision of the service and if the full provision of the service (in particular the price for the cash on delivery service) has taken place, upon withdrawal from the Contract, the Client shall be refunded all the payments made by the Client in connection with the conclusion of the Contract, in particular the purchase price, including the cost of delivery of the service to the Client.

This does not apply to additional costs if the Client has chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest normal delivery method offered by the Operator. Payments will be refunded to the Client without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Operator receives the Client’s notice of withdrawal from the Contract. They will be refunded by the same method used by the Client for payment, unless the Client has expressly agreed to a different method of payment, without any additional charges being levied.

5.6 In the event of cancellation after the expiry of the cancellation period but before the scheduled use of the service or arrival (Client’s cancellation) or partial cancellation (Client’s partial cancellation), the Operator shall be entitled to charge cancellation fees from the price of the services as follows:

5.6.1. Cancellation of the booked service, stay or its part between the 15th – 30th day before the planned use of the service or the start of the stay represents a cancellation fee of 30% of the total price.

5.6.2. Cancellation of the booked service, stay or part of it between the 8th – 14th day before the planned use of the service or arrival for the stay is subject to a cancellation fee of 60% of the total price.

5.6.3. Cancellation of the booked service, stay or part of it 7 days or less before the planned use of the service or arrival for the stay, the amount of the cancellation fee is 100% of the total price.

5.7 The amount of the cancellation fee for cancellation or partial cancellation of a reservation shall also apply if the Client fails to notify the GOYA Vitality Operator that he/she cancels the ordered service or does not use the service at all or does not start the stay.

5.8. 102/2014 on consumer protection in the sale of goods or services under a distance contract, if the provision of the service to the Client as a consumer is to commence under the service contract before the expiry of the withdrawal period or if the Client requests the provision of the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period, the Operator hereby informs the Client that by consenting to the commencement of the provision of the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period, the Client loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the full provision of the service, and when ordering the service by means of remote communication, requires the Client’s express consent to commence the provision of the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period and a statement that the Client has been duly informed that by consenting to commence the provision of the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period, the Client loses the right of withdrawal after the full provision of the service and is obliged to pay the Operator the price for the service actually provided.

5.9 The Client may not withdraw from a contract, the subject matter of which is the provision of a service, if the provision of the service has commenced with the Client’s express consent and the Client has declared that it has been duly advised that by expressing such consent it loses the right to withdraw from the contract once the service has been provided in full, and if the service has been provided in full.

5.10 The Client may not withdraw from the Contract under clause 5.3 of this Contract where the subject matter of the Contract is the provision of accommodation services other than for the purpose of housing, the carriage of goods, the hire of cars, the provision of catering services or the provision of services relating to leisure activities and under which the Operator undertakes to provide such services at the agreed time or within the agreed period.

5.11. In the event of extraordinary situations (so-called vis maior, e.g. illness, death, natural disaster, etc.), special conditions apply for cancelling a confirmed reservation, in which case the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility is entitled to waive the cancellation fee upon presentation of the relevant proof by the Client.

5.12.The Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility also has the right to cancel a confirmed reservation or withdraw from the contract during the provision of services for serious objective reasons, such as the provision of incorrect information by the Client (false data at the time of booking, misleading when filling in the health questionnaire), or non-compliance with the instructions specified in the visiting or accommodation regulations, or other gross violations of the accommodation regulations and the instructions of the Operator. In this case, the Client is not entitled to a refund of the paid fee for the service or accommodation, the provision of which may be prematurely terminated by the Operator GOYA Vitality s. r. o.

5.13. Serious objective reasons for cancellation of the reservation by the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility (withdrawal from the contract) include technical and operational reasons, safety hazards or other circumstances vis maior, which the Operator could not control in any way. In this case, the Client is offered an alternative date for booking the service or cancellation of the service according to the mutual agreement of the parties. In the event of cancellation, the Client shall be refunded the full amount of the price paid for the service to the Client’s bank account.

5.14. The Operator shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract due to the unavailability of the ordered services , or for reasons of force majeure, or if, even with all the efforts that may be fairly required of it, it is unable to provide the ordered services within the time limit specified in these GTC or at the price that is indicated in the online shop. The Operator is obliged to inform the Client of this fact without undue delay and to refund the purchase price already paid or part of the purchase price for the services agreed in the Contract without delay, but no later than within 14 days of the notice of withdrawal from the Contract, by transfer to the account designated by the Client, unless the Client and the Operator agree otherwise.

5.15. The Operator shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract if the Client fails to accept and/or attend the Services within the agreed time period.

5.16 The Client, being a business, is entitled to withdraw from the Contract solely for lawful reasons.

5.17. If the Client discovers that the services ordered do not correspond to the services provided, the Client has the right to object to the correctness of the services provided, immediately upon discovering a discrepancy between the services ordered and the services actually provided.

5.18. The Client is entitled to withdraw from the contract under these GTC also using the form provided on the Operator’s website. If the form is not completely filled in and/or the Client has not provided all the necessary information, the Operator shall invite the Client by telephone or e-mail to complete the missing data.

Delivery conditions

6.1 The provision (delivery) of services shall take place at the Operator’s premises, unless otherwise agreed between the Client and the Operator, within the terms agreed in the order between the Operator and the Client. In the event that the Operator cannot deliver the ordered services within the given period of time, the Operator shall immediately inform the Client thereof by e-mail or telephone resulting from the order and agree with the Client a new expected date for the provision of the services. If the Operator fails to provide the services even within this additional reasonable period of time provided by the Client, the Client shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract and the Operator shall immediately, but no later than within 14 days, refund the purchase price to the Client’s account, if it has already been paid by the Client in this way. If it is obvious in all the circumstances or if the Client has expressly informed the Operator prior to the conclusion of the Contract that the provision of the Services within a specified period or on a specified date is particularly important to the Client and the Operator has not delivered the Services within that period, the Client shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract even without giving the Operator a reasonable additional period of time to deliver the Services.

If the Operator cannot deliver (provide) the ordered services at all, it is also obliged to immediately inform the Client by e-mail or by phone at the number indicated in the order and agree with the Client on a substitute performance. If the Client does not express interest in the substitute performance by the Operator, the Client is entitled to withdraw from the Contract and the Operator is obliged to immediately, but no later than within 14 days, refund the purchase price to the Client’s account, if it has already been paid by the Client in such a way.

6.2 The Client is advised to make a claim for all services immediately after the provision of the services or when the services are provided.

Warranty conditions

7.1 The warranty conditions for the services provided are governed by the Complaints Procedure published on the Operator’s website and the applicable Slovak legislation. The purchase receipt, invoice or other proof of payment issued by the Operator shall serve as a warranty.

7.2 Each Client has the right to receive services of ordinary quality, to protect his/her health, safety and economic interests and to obtain information about them.

7.3 If the Client considers that the services provided have not been rendered or delivered in the agreed time, scope or quality as previously informed or agreed by the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility or in the usual quality, he/she has the right to make a claim and to demand some form of compensation. The complaint shall be made in person orally at the reception of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility or in writing via the Complaint Letter to the responsible receptionist of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility. The Client is obliged to complain about the service without undue delay after the service has been provided to him/her. The Client shall only make a claim on his/her own behalf in order to maintain the objectivity of the information.

7.4 The Client has the right to free, proper and timely removal of deficiencies, which shall be immediately reported to the responsible staff of the respective centre where the Client is provided with services.

7.5 If it is not possible to eliminate the defect that the Client claims, the Client shall be entitled to a reasonable discount on the price of the service provided or a refund. In the event that the Guest makes use of the service provided and claims the service after it has been fully exhausted, the claim shall not be recognised.

7.6 The Client is entitled to make a claim at all outlets of GOYA Vitality s.r.o. and also in case of different prices for services than those stated in the valid price list.

7.7 GOYA Vitality s.r.o. shall not be liable for any shortcomings or defects in the services provided and for circumstances not caused by its own activity. In such a case, it is not possible to claim the right of liability for the deficiencies. The Client shall not have the right to make a claim even if the Client does not make full or only partial use of the service, product or goods ordered, paid for or provided.

7.8 In the event of a claim, the usual claims procedure set out in the Complaints Procedure shall apply. In the event of a conflict between these GTC and the Complaints Procedure, the Complaints Procedure shall prevail in the event of a complaint.

7.9 The Client shall have the right to have a defect in the Service properly, timely and free of charge rectified in the event that it is a remediable defect. In the event of an irremediable defect, the Client has the right to a new service that is the same as the ordered service (service replacement) or has the right to withdraw from the contract. The Client has the same right in the event that the defect is not remediable, but has occurred repeatedly.

7.10. If there are other irremediable defects, the Client has the right to a reasonable discount on the price of the service.

7.11. The Client may request the provision of a new service instead of the removal of the defect, or if the defect relates only to a part of the service, the replacement of the part (if possible), if this does not incur disproportionate costs for the Operator in relation to the price of the service or the severity of the defect.

7.12 The Operator shall have the right to provide the Client with a new service without defects instead of rectifying the defect, unless this would cause the Client serious inconvenience.

Protection of personal data

8.1 The Controller proceeds with the processing of the personal data of Clients/respondents in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amending and supplementing certain laws and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

8.2 Information on the processing of Clients’ personal data by the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s.r.o. facility is set out in the Operator’s Information Obligation document published on the Operator’s website at: GDPR – Processing of Personal Data – GOYA Vitality s.r.o and is also available for inspection at the Operator’s reception.

Special conditions

9.1 In case of special requirements, the Client is entitled to contact the Operator of the GOYA Vitality s. r. o by sending an email to, by phone at +421 33 281 35 55 or in person.

Alternative dispute resolution

10.1 The Operator hereby informs the Consumer Client about the possibility of alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes within the meaning of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. On alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts. The list of alternative dispute resolution entities is maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

10.2 Any disputes between the Operator and the Client, who is a consumer, may also be resolved out of court. In this case, the Client may contact an out-of-court dispute resolution entity, which is, for example, the Slovak Trade Inspection Authority, or resolve the dispute through the online dispute resolution platform, which is available at The Operator recommends the Client to first contact the Operator to resolve the situation before proceeding to out-of-court dispute resolution.

10.3 The European Consumer Centre Slovakia, with registered office at Mlynské nivy 44/A 827 15, Bratislava 212 Slovak Republic, internet address: is the contact point under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and supplementing Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes).

Final provisions

11.1 These GTC and the legal relations arising on the basis of them are governed by the laws of the Slovak Republic, when booking services by a natural person who is not an entrepreneur through the website, by telephone or by e-mail by Act No. 102/2014 Coll. 250/2007 Coll., the Act on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on Offences, as amended, as well as other relevant legislation. Should any provision of these GTC become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions of these GTC.

11.2 The Parties agree that all disputes arising between them arising out of legal relations under the Contract or related contracts, including disputes concerning the validity, interpretation and termination of this Contract, shall be settled by amicable settlement in the first instance. If such disputes cannot be resolved by amicable settlement or by alternative dispute resolution, the Slovak courts in the place of the consumer’s domicile shall have jurisdiction under Slovak law to hear the matter in court.

11.3 The operator of GOYA Vitality s. r. o. reserves the right to make changes to these GTC, which shall become effective from the date of their publication on the website and in the premises of GOYA Vitality s. r. o.

11.4 These GTC shall come into force and effect on 1.3.2024.